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West Athens Robotics- Robo League 

Here at West Athens we have a robotics team. This robotics team is geared to help the students foster a desire to learn STEM related materials. Through the robotics team, students are able to learn how to code, wire, and even operate a robot. Robotics is not all this team does. This team is also now focusing on website development. Down the road, the team will also attempt to develop an app. Robo League is the name that was voted on by the students. It was chosen due to the team's participation in the STEAM Clipper’s Challenge.  


The team decided to make a website that not only demonstrates what the team can do for robotics, but also teaches individuals how to play the game of basketball. The Tutorials Page has videos, and guides as to what basketball is and how it should be played. The videos were chosen by the students and they have high hopes that the site will teach individuals how to play basketball. The Robo-Hoops page is a page that will eventually contain a basketball game. The students showed interest in wanting to develop their own game, and we will be working on that soon.

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